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Average Temperatures in New York

Average Temperatures in New York

What are the average temperatures in New York during a specific month? Below you can see a list of the average temperatures during the day. The coldest time is not in December but the real winter usually arrives in January and February, when temperatures can drop to minus 10 degrees celsius. Add some wind or a snowstorm to that and it will feel pretty cold. The summer in contrast can get very tropical especially in July and August when it can reach above 35 degrees celsius in Manhattan for days on end. You can read more about the weather in New York.

Temperatures per Month in New York

Month Maximum Minimum
January 3 ° C -4 ° C
February 4 ° C -3 ° C
March 9 ° C 1 ° C
April 16 ° C 6 ° C
May 21 ° C 12 ° C
June 26 ° C 17 ° C
July 29 ° C 20 ° C
August 28 ° C 19 ° C
September 24 ° C 16 ° C
October 18 ° C 9 ° C
November 12 ° C 5 ° C
December 6 ° C -1 ° C


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