Smoking in New York

Smoking in New York is heavily regulated, similarly to Canada. You won’t be surprised to hear that you can’t smoke in bars and clubs, but you’re also not permitted to light your cigarette in the park. If you are very much attached to your daily dose of nicotine, there are a few places you can freely light up.
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Non-smoking Areas in New York
Ever since 1987, New York has imposed public smoking regulations. The laws are to protect the health and well-being of everyone in the city. New York plans to ban tobacco products from the state entirely and smoking is prohibited in most (public) areas. There are non-smoking areas in the office, public transport, bars, restaurants, and museums for example. Places we’ve already gotten used to in Canada. In New York, the smoking ban also applies to parks, swimming pools, squares, beaches, and promenades. Smoking in undesignated areas could result in a fine.
Where to Smoke in New York
I bet you’re now wondering: can I legally smoke in New York at all? And if so, where? The answer to both of your questions is yes: you’re allowed to smoke within private homes and in private cars. Designated hotel rooms are also allowed.
Some bars and clubs also offer an enclosed smoking area, whereas some hotels offer rooms where smoking is allowed. Furthermore, you can find special ‘cigar lounges’, often with a corresponding atmosphere and dress code. Please note that most of these are meant exclusively for smoking cigars, although some of them do permit smoking cigarettes. New York plans to curb smoking and tobacco usage, passing laws stricter laws each year.
No Smoking Under the Age of 21
In New York, you’re allowed to buy tobacco or cigarettes from the age of 21. This is different from Canada where the minimum smoking age is 18 (depending on the province). Even if you’re younger but look older, you can’t escape this rule. They not only ask for your ID, they even scan them before they’ll hand you your cigarettes.
E-Cigarettes in New York
E-cigarettes have a 20% supplemental tax in New York. They are also not widely available as all vendors need to be a registered dealer before they can sell vapour products. Heavy fines are in place for unregistered selling. New York plans on banning the sale of e-cigarettes altogether.
Price of Cigarettes
The sale of tobacco products is banned in pharmacies. If you still want to smoke some cigarettes, it will be cheaper to buy them at the airport before heading to New York. You’ll be allowed to carry up to 200 cigarettes with you coming from Canada.
What are the smoking laws in New York?
Can you smoke in Times Square?
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